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The Dutch government is a criminal and terrorist organization

A few days ago I came across the following in an article on Starnieuws:

The Dutch Public Prosecutor wanted the banks to give up the 19.5 million euros to the Dutch state in exchange for a solution. The banks did not give in and decided by means of a complaint procedure to submit the case to the Dutch courts.

Assuming that the above is true, I wonder why no journalist has dared so far to mention by name what is going on here, namely, extortion and robbery. It has long been clear to me that the Dutch government, which is clearly behaving like the mafia here, is a criminal and terrorist organization, but the above should have made sure that those who were still in doubt would now have been woken up.

The Dutch criminal government is not at all concerned with combating crime, preventing money laundering and the financing of terrorism, or other similar fallacies. When it suits them, they participate just as much in the financing of terrorists, as they did recently in Syria (70 million euros) and of course also in the eighties and nineties in Suriname.

The cover of the book “Roofstaat” (Predatory/Robbing State) by Ewald Vanvugt

What the Dutch criminal government is trying to achieve with the confiscation of money is to increase the pressure on Suriname by causing a financial/economic crisis in order to get the local leadership on their knees in order to be able to push through their will. This is an old and well-known tactic which is used again and again by the colonialists. They are using the same strategies in Venezuela.

So when some parliamentarians talk about “bakra basie” 1 they are right. But they don’t realize that they are themselves part of the problem. The current system of government and legislation has been left behind by the same “bakra basie” and is still doing a good job when it comes to the management of the plantation Suriname and the suppression of the local slave population. For example, not long ago the same colonial laws were used by the police to counteract protests. The police are often called our “best friend” but you should check what the original purpose of the police was, formerly known as “slave patrol”. And those same colonial laws, which served as a replacement for the old form of slavery, are still used to extort everyone on plantation Suriname and rob them of the fruits of their labor.

I can already hear the reactions, “I’m not a slave”, “slavery has long since been abolished.” That’s what “bakra basie” made you believe. The old form of slavery has been replaced by a new form and sold to you as “freedom” and “democracy”.

The relationship between master and slave used to be clearer when the slave was in direct daily contact with his master. The difference with today is that over the years several levels of indirection have gradually been introduced between the slaves and their masters, making it increasingly difficult for most people to make the connections and to see the indirect constructions for what they are.

If you are so free, why do others have more to say about your property, income and bodies than you do? If your house is really yours, why do you have to pay the criminal government to be allowed to continue living in it (“property tax”)? If the proceeds of your labor are yours, why does the criminal government determine which part of it you can keep (“income/wage tax”)? Or as a meme on the Internet put it, if claiming 100% of the fruits of one’s labour is slavery, at what percentage is it no longer slavery? If your body is yours, why does the criminal government decide for you what you may or may not put in or do with it?

Suriname is still owned by “bakra basie” including all the people who live there. “Bakra basie” may no longer be physically present (absenteeism) but still has the authority. The management of the plantation is now in the hands of overseers and house slaves with official sounding titles such as “president”, “minister”, “parliamentarian” etc. That is why I had previously told a journalist from Starnieuws that within this system it is the president who oversees the suffering on the plantation. The president can be seen as the CEO (Chief Executive Officer) of the plantation that is managed as a business/commercial operation, and the ministers, assembly members and others employed by the criminal government as managers and employees. The real owners and shareholders (the masters) are in the background. That is why we also talk about the “Surinamese society” (society = firm, company, enterprise). All plantations of yesteryear were simply consolidated in a gigantic plantation under the name Suriname, under a new form of government, while everyone was told that slavery was “abolished”. In reality, slavery only became more efficient, more profitable and more persistent.

These are all things that Anton de Kom already knew when he wrote his book “We slaves of Suriname”. 2 But shortly on November 25, 85 years later, people are still going to celebrate their “independence”.

“Bakra basie” still seem to have a lot of influence on the plantation Suriname and have the means to force the administration of the plantation to carry out their will. The purpose of this commercial operation called “Suriname” is to earn money for the shareholders, the masters, so that they become richer and continue to benefit. The administration of the plantation has no choice but to cooperate, otherwise they will soon have to make way for other slaves who do lend themselves optimally for the exploitation of the plantation. If the administration does not cooperate, they will be put under pressure. “Bakra basie” have several tools at their disposal to put pressure on the administrators of the plantation. Especially the financial/economic tools appear to be popular, but if they don’t work you get political destabilization, funding of (local) terrorists, and eventually military intervention. We have experienced all this on the plantation Suriname in the past and I made a movie about it.

Not long ago a former “bakra basie” insider (now a whistleblower) named Ronald Bernard explained in detail how they work. I can highly recommend the interviews conducted with him and published by Coöperatie de Vrije Media.

The issues relating to the “National Debt Act” must be seen in the context of the above. “Bakra basie” already tried to plunge the plantation deeper into debt slavery through the IMF, one of their working arms, a few years ago. They didn’t succeed, so they try it in another way, namely by increasing the financial/economic pressure (reducing the revenues by withdrawing multinationals, confiscating money, creating an artificial currency scarcity, etc.), so that the local criminal government is manipulated and forced to have to borrow money. All the loans taken out by the current overseers in the criminal government are a consequence of this. The pressure has now increased to such an extent that the limits in the law must now also be lifted so that the plantation can be plunged even deeper into debt slavery. This offers “bakra basie” better guarantees for the exploitation of the resources on the plantation and the exploitation of the local slaves for the future. Former insider John Perkins discusses this approach and its purpose in detail in his book “Confessions of an Economic Hitman”. Ronald Bernard also discusses this in the aforementioned interviews.

In closing, I would like to point out to the up-and-coming politicians and the new political parties that if they think that they will be able to change something within the current system, they will be very disappointed. Many people are still under the impression that when they get into the criminal government as overseers and house negroes, they will be free to decide and implement their policies. However, when you enter the administration of the plantation, you will soon hear from the envoys and international work arms of “bakra basie” who will tell you what they want to have implemented on the plantation. As we have seen, over and over again, recently and in history, you will only be able to make and implement policies as far as it is in the interest of “bakra basie” (and therefore not in the interest of the slaves). When that is not the case, you will have to deal with exactly the same issues as the current overseers and house negroes in the Surinamese criminal government, and those who came before them. Even the Russian president Putin made a few remarks about this not long ago.

For more background information on how this system works and what its purpose is I would like to refer to my previous articles “Statism: A System for Your Enslavement” and “On money, Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies in general.”


  1. The term “bakra basie” is often used in Suriname to refer to the Dutch colonizers. Translated literally it means “white master”. ↩︎
  2. Here is a quote from the book “We slaves of Suriname” (1934):


    “What is it,” Linguet argued, “that society has gotten in the place of the slaves? The so-called free servitude. But the gift of liberation, in this way, is no different than the crown with which one adores the victim: a true mockery. Slavery is now better and softer. Since the essence of society is that the rich do not work, service is only a softer name for an even harsher affair than slavery was. At least the slave was fed, even if he didn’t work, like our horses that find hay in the rack every day. But what will become of the free wage earner, who is often poorly paid when he works, what will become of him if he does not work? He is free, but behold his misfortune! He belongs to no one, but no one has heart for him. When you need him, you hire him as cheaply as possible. The paltry wages that are promised to him are barely equal in monetary value to the price of the food for the day, on which he does his work. They appoint overseers to force him to carry out his task punctually: they hasten him: they encourage him, for fear of him inventing something to hide half of his strength in order to stay longer at work. The greedy employer watches his work with a restless gaze, overburdening him with accusations because of the least amount of rest that he seems to allow himself, and, if he takes a moment’s rest, the employer claims that he is robbing him. When he is finished, he is sent away, as he was hired, with the coldest indifference and without concern, whether the twenty or thirty pennies that he earned will be enough for his sustenance, in case he does not find a job on the following day.”72)

    Even today, Linguet’s words still contain a lot of truth, even though every year on July 1st, the day of liberation is celebrated in Suriname with display of lots of joy. Let them show us that the Surinamese people are free in the true sense of the word, that they are no longer forced to sell their labor, albeit in a different way than during the era of slavery.

    The other method of forced labour was mainly through “taxation”:

    Slavery has been abolished, a new structure of colonial society is needed, this is the period in which the foundations for a different future must be laid. […] Immediately after the takeover of power, it becomes clear to what level of prosperity the former slaves had risen since their liberation. Since, after the abolition of the 10-year state supervision, they no longer had to endure the conditions of slavery on the plantations, they had established themselves as small farmers on land for which they paid high rents to the owners or to the government. (To this day, the rent to the government for land is ƒ10.- per hectare per month). However, there were also high taxes, so they were not much better off than the plantation-proletarians.

    The property tax commission often charges buildings with a tax of ƒ60.- when the cost of building them was lower than ƒ60.-. In determining the income tax, arbitrary criteria are sometimes applied. In addition, there are road maintenance and pier charges. Mr. Putscher explained in the Colonial States how a British-Indian man demolished his pier and from then on waded through the mud, because he could not pay the tax.

    At the same time, however, a new tax on the rearing of chickens, ducks, geese, turkeys, pigs, goats, cows, cats, parrots and canaries is being considered, with the surcharges amounting to more than one million a year. And in the newspapers the government places large advertisements with the announcement that he who does not pay his income tax on time, will be punished with a fine of up to 300 guilders.

    British-Indians say they were humiliated when they came to complain, with people mockingly shouting, “Just wait for your Gandhi!” They could no longer pay the tax on the value of their land and the shacks on it. In order to be able to collect the tax, soldiers penetrate their houses, sell the roof over their heads, the chickens from the garden, and the small supply of rice, which served as the food supply for the family. The value of the goods sold is determined by the commander, who is both buyer and seller. They come to a family that has no tax liability. Since the man is not at home, the woman refuses to let the soldiers in. Although pregnant, she is thrown aside and later gives birth to a deformed boy. I get the same complaints from the small farmers from Nickerie. The work in the fields there is extremely difficult, while the price of rice has fallen to the limit as a result of the crisis. They, too, are no longer able to pay the tax, and they too are being expropriated.

    This form of slavery still exists today. ↩︎


  1. De Nederlandse (r)overheid is een criminele en terroristische organisatie — Karel Donk (26/11/2019)
  2. Theft and extortion by the criminal government — Karel Donk (28/01/2020)


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