The All Seeing Eye: A Symbol of Consciousness
One of the big mysteries of our time is the above symbol called the All Seeing Eye, sometimes also referred to as the Eye of Providence. It’s often associated with secret societies such as the Illuminati and the Freemasons, and is used to identify a supposedly sinister group that’s working behind the scenes against humanity. In my opinion such views are largely incorrect and I think that there’s a different and much more positive meaning behind the original symbol.
I’m not saying that groups who don’t mean us well didn’t use this symbol in the past, or aren’t using it now. What I’m going to show, among other things, is that they didn’t invent the original symbol. There’s lots of evidence pointing to the fact that various groups in the past have hijacked this symbol for their own organizations and purposes, that may or may not have anything to do with its original meaning. This would be similar to how Adolf Hitler used the swastika sign for his own purposes in Nazi Germany, and how the state of Israel is using the hexagram on their flag; they didn’t invent these much older symbols, but adopted them for their own purposes.
The use of the All Seeing Eye dates back to ancient times. More recently it’s become popular due to its use on the US one dollar bill since 1782, and also because of being adopted by the Freemasons supposedly around 1797. Before that it was often used in Christianity as a symbol of the Holy Trinity and associated with the concept of Divine Providence (god’s intervention in the world). However, there’s lots of archaeological evidence becoming available since recently, showing that the use of the pyramid with the eye dates back many thousands of years, possibly to the beginning of modern civilization in ancient Mesopotamia, and perhaps even earlier. Some of this evidence can be found in the collection of ancient artifacts which were in possession of Father Carlo Crespi. These artifacts — which according to Father Crespi are older than the great flood — were found in subterranean tunnels near the town of Cuenca in Ecuador and some of them contain pyramids with the sun at the top. 1

Pyramid with All Seeing Eye with in the top-right the Eye of Providence as seen on the reverse of the Great Seal of the United States on the US $1 bill.
Yet more evidence indicating that the pyramid with the eye dates back to thousands of years ago comes from researcher Klaus Dona. In one of his presentations a few years ago, Dona showed some very interesting stone artifacts containing the pyramid with an eye. One of those artifacts even looked exactly like the pyramid with the eye on the US one dollar bill. 2 These artifacts were also found in an underground tunnel system in Ecuador, just like the other artifacts which were in possession of Father Crespi. In an email exchange I had with Dona, where I mentioned the stone artifact shaped like a pyramid with the shining eye on top, he insisted that “this pyramid is much older than any Illuminati, Freemason or any group.”
According to this evidence we can conclude with reasonable certainty that the use of the pyramid with the eye (or sun) at the top dates back to thousands of years ago. But what does it symbolize?
Based on my personal research so far, I think the pyramid with the eye on top symbolizes the continued evolution and development of consciousness. And I’ll explain why.
As I mentioned in a previous post, the fundamental energy responsible for the universe is consciousness, and the goal of consciousness is to create, to experience, to learn and to improve (or re-create), ultimately evolving to a state of lower entropy (creating order out of chaos). 3 The pyramids on the ancient artifacts represent our consciousness. And if you take a look at the depictions of the pyramids with the eye (or sun) on top, you’ll notice that the top of the pyramid is always missing. This symbolizes the fact that the development of our consciousness is always ongoing and will likely never end — at least for as long as the universe exists. We’re on a continuous path of building our consciousness, brick by brick, slowly but surely reaching higher states of awareness.
And where are we ultimately heading? To the very top, of course; towards the sun; towards enlightenment. The ancient people used various objects in nature to symbolize certain concepts, and the sun above the pyramid represents enlightenment — the highest state of awareness, knowledge and wisdom. The idea behind this is that the bright light from the sun allows us to see our environment and when we can see our environment clearly — i.e. when we can see things as they truly are — we can start to collect valid information about it and build a good understanding of it. That’s why when you withhold knowledge from people it’s called “keeping them in the dark.” This is also why one of the well known secret societies called themselves the Illuminati; they considered themselves the illuminated ones, because they possessed knowledge others didn’t have; in other words, they were illuminated by the extra knowledge they possessed while everyone else was (relatively) in the dark.
For a long time the sun was the only source of light the ancient people had, not to mention the biggest source, which it still is today. That’s why they used the symbol of the sun to represent enlightenment at the top of the pyramid. However, some ancient artifacts also feature an eye above the pyramid instead of the sun. And this is because the sun and the eye are interchangeable as a source of light. 4 This is why in later depictions of the pyramid with the eye, there is an eye that is shining — the eye and the sun are combined in these depictions.
Also consider the fact that we primarily build our consciousness (the pyramid) through our eyes. Vision is our dominant sense; up to 30% of the brain’s cortex is dedicated to processing visual input either directly or indirectly, as compared with just 8% for hearing. In fact, research estimates that up to 85% of our perception, learning, cognition and activities are mediated through vision. 5 Therefore it makes sense that the ancient people used the eye as the symbol for enlightenment.
But why did they use a pyramid to symbolize consciousness?
If you’ve ever seen an hourglass (or sandglass) you know that the sand trickling down into the bottom glass bulb eventually starts to form a triangular shape when viewed from the side. It’s the same with consciousness.
From the moment we’re born and open our eyes, light enters our mind and we begin to experience and learn about our environment. Note in the above image (on the left) that even before we open our eyes, we already have a certain amount of consciousness (among which the primary biological instincts etc.). After we get born, a steady flow of experiences starts to trickle into our minds and we start to further build our consciousness layer by layer. As time goes on, our consciousness grows and we continue to build on previous experiences and reach higher states of awareness.

Newer memories (experiences and knowledge) constantly get layered on top of each other as we build our consciousness
In the above image you can see how we continue to build on past experiences, brick by brick, layer by layer, while we gradually reach higher understandings. And as this continues during our lifetimes, the volume of memories in our consciousness continues to grow. The older memories then get buried deeper and deeper and become part of our subconscious.

Older memories become part of our subconscious, while newer memories get added to our consciousness on top of the older memories.
Gradually access to memories in our subconscious mind becomes more difficult as they get buried deeper. And although accessibility becomes more difficult, they still influence our conscious mind, and thus our behavior. Indeed as you can clearly see in the above image, our conscious mind rests on the foundation of the subconscious mind. For example, whether we realize it or not, every decision we make using our conscious mind is always influenced by, and (literally) based on, our subconscious memories (past experiences and knowledge). The power of consciousness really lies in the subconscious mind. 6
The above image shows a diagram of the pyramid as we know it from Freudian psychology. When we interact with people in our daily lives, what we usually get to see of their personality is only the tip of the iceberg. Most often we only get to interact with their conscious mind, and most of us don’t realize that we are in fact interacting with much more than is visible on the surface. So sometimes people’s behavior and decisions may not make sense to us, because we can’t get behind the subconscious experiences that are influencing their conscious decisions; indeed people may themselves not even be aware of their own subconscious influences. 7 For example, as I have discussed in the past, this is why women are often difficult to understand and appear to be very irrational — it’s because of their sexual desires which are being suppressed or repressed in the subconscious mind and aren’t allowed to surface to the conscious mind, but keep influencing their decisions none the less.
Usually it’s very difficult for people to get rid of bad knowledge that sits in their subconscious mind. Imagine, for example, how difficult it must be for a person to get rid of religious programming when they’ve been conditioned to think that way starting from very early childhood. Most people never manage to deprogram themselves from that kind of brainwash. Or if they do, it’s usually at a much later age because it’s a very slow process, especially if they’ve also never been taught how to think critically and analytically and their mind isn’t structured that way. Let me illustrate this with another example.
Suppose we had the above situation, where a person ends up with bad programming (the red blocks) in their subconscious mind. How easy, do you think, would it be for them to get rid of those bad blocks of knowledge? If they just throw out those blocks, the whole structure caves in — i.e. their whole worldview that is built on the knowledge contained in those blocks caves in. The only option they have — assuming they actually have the courage to even start such a risky undertaking — is to dig a small tunnel from the side to reach the bad blocks, and slowly start to get the bad material out while simultaneously replacing it with new material. You can imagine that this is a process that can take a lot of time depending on the amount of bad knowledge that needs to get replaced. If it’s bad knowledge that was programmed into their minds during very early childhood, deprogramming their minds from it can be a monumental undertaking (comparable to replacing the foundation underneath a skyscraper). This is why Frederick Douglass said that “it is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men.” Unfortunately, most people today still choose to simply close their minds to alternative knowledge, so that they don’t have to deal with such a difficult process of first deprogramming, and then reprogramming their minds.
But what if we were taught from very early childhood to think independently, critically and analytically and to scrutinize and question everything? And what if we were taught to never rely too much on a piece of knowledge, and instead could very easily let go of it once new and better knowledge becomes available? Such a situation would be similar to the illustration below, where the blocks of knowledge are held together by a steel frame, like a kind of permanent scaffolding.

The green lines represent a steel frame; the red blocks — representing bad knowledge — have been taken out, while the empty space can now be filled in with better knowledge
In such a situation, the bad blocks of knowledge could be thrown out almost instantly, while the steel frame keeps the rest of the structure in place. The ease at which this can happen is going to depend on the situation, but it’s a much better solution compared to not having the steel frame. And the steel frame represents the ability to partition our lives and our consciousness with a high degree of independence and fault-tolerance, which allows us to be very critical and continuously analyze and reevaluate what we think we know about life in general. And when we detect bad knowledge in that situation, we’ll be able to act a lot faster to replace it in order to prevent further issues.
Alvin Toffler said that “the illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn and relearn.” In the time we’re heading into right now, it will become increasingly more important for us to — very easily and quickly — be able to learn, unlearn and relearn. We have to start taking this into account when we educate our children; this kind of thinking should be taught starting at very early age. Due to the Global Brain, information is being discovered, being improved, and becoming available to us at an exponential rate. It’s going to happen increasingly more often that we discover that our assumptions about various things in life were not very accurate or were even completely wrong. And ironically, we’ll even discover that knowledge that allowed us to reach higher states of awareness and understanding, may not have been completely accurate. For example, we’re now discovering that the laws of Newton that have helped us to get where we are now aren’t able to accurately describe all of our reality, which means that they’re incomplete or may even be wrong to a certain degree. Instead of being dogmatic about such matters — as the case often appears to be with mainstream science today (just ask Rupert Sheldrake) — we have to quickly unlearn and relearn.
As I mentioned in a previous post, the consciousness of the universe is infinitely divided into smaller pieces of consciousness just like a fractal. Each of the pieces of consciousness have their own individual experiences and contribute to the larger whole of which they are a part. In this way the entire universe is constantly learning and evolving to a higher state of awareness. For example, as the brilliant stem cell biologist Dr. Bruce Lipton often mentions, humankind can be seen as a super organism; just like the human body is made up of trillions of individual cells, so too can individual human beings be seen as the cells in the bigger organism called humankind. The consciousness of humankind as a single organism, is the combined consciousness of all human beings, and it develops itself in the exact same way as it does for individual human beings.

Like a fractal, the consciousness of humankind is made up out of the collective consciousness of all individual human beings
In the above simplified illustration, every block represents an individual human being while the big pyramid represents the consciousness of humankind. In reality there are currently about 7.2 billion individual human beings that collectively make up the consciousness of humankind. And it’s clear from the above illustration that every human being develops their own consciousness, and by doing that contributes to the collective consciousness of humankind. With each new generation of human beings we’re (hopefully) getting a step higher in awareness; every new generation continues to build on top of the previous generation. This is why Sir Isaac Newton was very accurate when he famously said: “If I have seen further than others, it is by standing upon the shoulders of giants.” Newton’s work was possible because he stood on the high foundation built by previous generations. And thanks to Newton and others like him, our generation is today able to stand a lot higher on the pyramid and see a lot further.
When it comes to the evolution of human consciousness however, there’s a lot of evidence pointing to the fact that humankind is being assisted in developing a higher awareness by an extraterrestrial force. I had written about this before in a previous post and had discussed some of the evidence there. Some of the artifacts discussed in this post also point to the fact that there’s something going on behind the scenes that most people don’t yet realize.

A stone artifact with a drawing of a world map with an inlay of the All Seeing Eye. The location where this artifact was found is also marked on the map with an inlay (circled with green)
If you take a look at the above stone artifact, which was found in an underground tunnel system in Ecuador along with the pyramid with the all seeing eye 2, you can see that there’s a world map carved into the stone with an inlay of the All Seeing Eye near ancient Mesopotamia — the area now known as Iraq.

With a world map overlaid on the stone artifact, you can see that the All Seeing Eye is located in Iraq (ancient Mesopotamia)
And this is very interesting because that’s where modern human civilization is said to have suddenly started around 6000 years ago. Scholars still aren’t able to explain how the Sumerian civilization suddenly came into existence in that part of the world around 3800 BC, fully in possession of advanced astronomical knowledge, writing, arts, agriculture, mathematics and engineering. There was no gradual buildup of all this knowledge over many years; the Sumerians just sprang into existence with all of it. 8
And if we look at the ancient Sumerian writings (the Sumerian clay tablets), they tell us where they got their knowledge from. According to the Sumerians they got their knowledge from an advanced race of beings who came from the heavens to Earth, called the Anunnaki. Author Zecharia Sitchin has all the details about this in his “Earth Chronicles” book series. According to Sitchin, the Anunnaki came to Earth around 450.000 years ago to mine gold, and at some point in the process decided to create a slave species to help them do the hard work. That’s when they created humankind (Homo Sapiens) via genetic engineering, by mixing their own genes with those from an already existing species, said to have been Homo Erectus. It’s very interesting to note that scholars are also unable to explain the sudden appearance of Homo Sapiens on Earth based on theories of evolution alone. 9 The Anunnaki became known to humankind as ‘gods’, though there was nothing supernatural about them; they were just biological beings in possession of very advanced technology. According to Sitchin, the Anunnaki appear to have decided to leave at some point, and allow humankind to inherit the Earth. That’s when they decided to begin gradually sharing some of their knowledge with humankind in order to get us to a point where we can take care of ourselves.
The Anunnaki leader and scientist who created the human species is said to have been called E.A, meaning “the house of water,” and he had the title EN.KI, meaning “lord of the Earth” in the Sumerian language. According to William Bramley in his book “The Gods of Eden,” “Ea was described as goodhearted, at least in regard to his creation, Homo sapiens. Mesopotamian texts portray Ea as an advocate who spoke before Custodial councils on behalf of the new Earth race. He opposed many of the cruelties that other Custodial rulers, including his half-brother, Enlil, inflicted upon human beings. It would appear from Sumerian tablets that Ea did not intend Homo sapiens to be harshly treated, but his wishes in that regard were overruled by other Custodial leaders.”
Sitchin speculates in his books that Enki got full control over the Earth and the human species around 2000 years ago, when the age of Pisces started (and we just went into the age of Aquarius). Before that time however, Enki (often secretly) shared knowledge with humankind in order to help them, much to the annoyance of the other Anunnaki leaders. That explains all the negative propaganda against Enki, some of which we can find in the bible for example, where he is known as the Satan (meaning “the opposer”), Lucifer, and the serpent in the book of Genesis (or dragon in the book of Revelation) who wanted to share knowledge with humankind so that they could become as wise as the ‘gods.’ (click here to read my post on the occult secrets behind the Apple brand, where I go into much more details on this).
The inlay of the All Seeing Eye on the world map near ancient Mesopotamia in the above mentioned stone artifact, marks the location where lots of knowledge was first shared with humankind in the past, giving us a major boost in mental evolution. From there, the knowledge further spread out all over the world as indicated on the world map by the white line. And the reason why the centers of worship (which were really the centers of science, until they got corrupted according to Sir Isaac Newton) are all shaped like a pyramid in all the major ancient civilizations around the world, 2 is because the shape served as a reminder of the way in which consciousness evolves towards higher states of awareness. Knowledge was shared with humankind in these pyramid temples and that’s where the priests did their work (the priests were really just teachers and scientists in the beginning tasked with sharing knowledge with the rest of the population, until they got corrupted).

The bottom of the pyramid with All Seeing Eye showing the Orion star constellation and some ancient writings, which according to professor Kurt Schildmann, who was the president of the German Linguistic Association, translate to “The son of the creator comes.”
The above picture of the pyramid with the All Seeing Eye was found in the same location as the stone artifact with the world map, and on the bottom you can see inlaid gold dots with some ancient writing. The inlaid dots are the constellation of Orion, and the ancient text was translated to “The son of the creator comes.” The below stone artifact was found at the same location and also shows the pyramid with the All Seeing Eye and the constellation of Orion. 2

Stone artifact with a pyramid containing the All Seeing Eye and below it the Orion star constellation

The “libation vase of Gudea” with the dragon Mushussu, dedicated to Ningishzida (21st century BC short chronology). The caduceus is interpreted as depicting the god himself.
This clearly shows that whoever created humankind, and whoever is responsible for sharing knowledge with humankind and helping with our mental evolution, probably comes from the Orion star constellation.
The son of the creator might refer to one of Enki’s sons called Ningishzida (in Sumerian, meaning “lord of the good tree”), who according to Sitchin, was also known as the feathered serpent gods Quetzalcoatl to the Aztecs and Kukulkan to the Mayas, Viracocha to the Incas and Thoth to the Egyptians. It’s interesting to note that the largest pyramid at Teotihuacan in Mexico dedicated to the worship of Quetzalcoatl is called “the Temple of the Feathered Serpent.” In ancient Sumer, the serpent was used to depict Enki and his son Ningishzida, and was a symbol for DNA (the entwined snakes represent the DNA double-helix). This also explains the serpents that we see on some of the ancient artifacts discussed in this post. 1
When you read the legends of the gods Quetzalcoatl, Kukulkan and Viracocha, you’ll find some interesting similarities; all of them tell the story of a god who came and shared knowledge with humans, only to leave with the promise to return one day. Are the above stone artifacts giving us a clue as to where this god will be returning from? It turns out that we’ve been given this clue in at least one other place on Earth, namely at the pyramids of Giza in Egypt.

The pyramids of Giza are perfectly aligned with the stars in the center of the Orion Constellation (Alnitak, Alnilam and Mintaka)
As can be seen in the above image, the pyramids of Giza align perfectly with the center stars in the Orion constellation. No image editing tricks were applied here; they just match perfectly. This is astounding considering the scale of the pyramids and the precision that was achieved, supposedly by an ancient primitive Egyptian civilization, as mainstream archeologists would have us believe. Ancient Egyptian texts credit the god Thoth (Ningishzida) as the architect of the pyramids. These huge monuments in Giza may have been left behind to remind us where the source lies of all the progress we’ve made so far with regard to the evolution of our consciousness. 10 As I’ve mentioned above, the pyramid is after all a symbol for the evolution and development of consciousness.
This also ties in with all the crop formations that are appearing around the world, with beautiful (and sometimes elaborate) geometrical designs that appear to give us clues about the nature of the reality that we live in. Crop formations are one way of how information is being shared with us in order to help us get to a higher state of awareness. This is discussed in more details in the documentary Thrive. A very interesting crop formation appeared in 2002 in Crabwood, England. 11 The image of a gray alien can be seen, formed out of scan lines like you would see on an old TV screen, while the crop formation is pointing towards a nearby TV antenna tower.

This crop formation appeared in Crabwood, England on August 15, 2002. Photo © Lucy Pringle.
The alien is holding up a disc with a binary encoded message that translates to:
Beware the bearers of FALSE gifts and their BROKEN PROMISES. Much PAIN but still time. BELIEVE. There is GOOD out there. We OPpose DECEPTION. COnduit CLOSING.
The fact that the crop formation is pointed towards the TV antennas and warning us to beware of false gifts and broken promises, looks to me like a clear warning to not believe the media and the government propaganda they’re spreading. Indeed we can only expect false gifts and broken promises from the politicians running the governments worldwide. It has also become very difficult to trust the mainstream media; instead of honestly informing people about what’s going on and being very critical about the information they publish, they’ve become a tool for spreading government propaganda and brainwashing people worldwide with a false sense of reality. Intelligence agencies, such as the CIA, even have reporters embedded at various news organizations using them to spread false information that supports their agenda. The media has been caught several times in the recent past manipulating video footage and even staging news events. 12
Allowing your consciousness to be programmed with false information can only have detrimental effects not only for yourself, but for everyone else as well. This is what ‘Jesus’ meant when he said that if your eyes are bad, your body will be full of darkness. 4 If you aren’t able to see things as they really are — if you aren’t able to see the truth — you only get garbage into your consciousness and the quality of your awareness goes down. So it’s no surprise to me that the extraterrestrials responsible for the above crop formation added that they oppose deception. Deception is bad for our consciousness; we can only develop a consciousness that is able to take us to enlightenment with knowledge that is based on truth.

The Orion constellation is also depicted in the crop formation, with one of the stars slightly offset from the others
What’s also very interesting about the above crop formation, is the fact that the Orion constellation is also depicted in it with 3 dots (the 3 center stars of the constellation). It again serves as a reminder as to where exactly this message comes from, namely from the same source that’s been responsible for assisting our mental evolution for thousands of years now.
I had already discussed evidence in a previous post pointing to the fact that there appears to be a force working behind the scenes to help humankind to achieve a higher level of awareness. It’s interesting to note that the Mayan calendar had been purposefully calibrated in such a way to end in the year 2012, marking the moment when the next major boost in mental evolution for humankind would occur — the moment where we would transition into the new age of Aquarius and the emergence of the Global Brain. This is evidence that points to the fact that there’s a schedule — a grand plan if you will — that’s being followed by these extraterrestrial beings. But how could they know thousands of years in advance exactly when humankind would be ready for the next step in mental evolution? How could they predict these dates so far in advance?
It turns out that when you know the fundamental laws behind the universe it becomes very easy to predict the future. In this case, the extraterrestrials obviously knew that all growth in the universe follows an exponential curve, and as I have discussed in the past, they even shared this knowledge with humankind thousands of years ago. Even the evolution of our consciousness follows an exponential curve. This makes it easy to predict how much time it will take for us to reach a certain level of awareness. In a similar way, Dr. Ray Kurzweil has successfully used logarithmic plots in the past to predict technological progress, specifically in the information technology industry.
When people interpret The Eye of Providence as “god watching over humankind” or “god’s intervention in the world” they’re right in a sense, but unfortunately often don’t know what the truth behind the symbol is. As I’ve shown above, the original symbol dates back to thousands of years ago, and symbolizes the continued development and evolution of consciousness. Consciousness is both experiencing (watching) and intervening in (shaping) the universe.
If we want to refer to consciousness as God, then it’s true that God is experiencing (watching) and intervening in (shaping) the world, and indeed the entire universe. In that sense it’s also true that God is within us; all of us have a piece of the universal consciousness within us, and consequently, all of us have the power to reshape reality for the better if we want to. But we can only do this if we make absolutely sure that we see our reality as it truly is. We have to scrutinize every bit of information before it enters our consciousness and we have to start facing the truth in life. We’re only going to be able to reach enlightenment if we keep our consciousness pure and free from any kind of deception. Consciousness that’s built on a foundation of deception can only come crashing down in the end.
Wisdom is found only in truth. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Although the development and evolution of consciousness is a natural process, I’ve also shown that there’s an extraterrestrial force, working mostly behind the scenes, that is assisting humankind with the evolution of our consciousness. Based on the evidence I’ve discussed, it’s highly likely that these extraterrestrials originate from the constellation of Orion. It appears that we do indeed have friends in high places.
Compared to some of the ‘gods’ of our past, this extraterrestrial force appears to have an approach that is based on true love. That’s a very different kind of approach compared to the authoritarian approach of making laws and handing them down for humans to follow while threatening them with punishment. It’s also very different compared to completely wiping out the human race and starting over again from scratch. Instead, they’re sharing knowledge with us and are leaving it up to us to use that knowledge to grow, while allowing us the freedom to make mistakes and to learn from them. If we have to rely on laws and the fear of punishment in order to do good, then we are a sorry lot indeed. We have to build our own understanding of why it’s better to do good (wisdom), so that eventually we’ll make the best choices ourselves. It’s a longer path towards enlightenment but a wiser one to take for the long term.
Update 27/3/2015
A few weeks ago I came across the below video titled “Alien Egyptian Artifacts Discovered In Jerusalem” (Archived), that appears to validate a lot of what I wrote above. At this point I’m not sure if this is real or a hoax, but I thought I would include it here. Should you have more information on this, let me know.
Update 15/5/2015
In my recent post about The Cycle of Life, I discuss the basic geometry and mathematics behind the symbol of the All Seeing Eye, and the fundamental process of life that it describes. Click here to read it.
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