During the Canadian truckers’ protest against COVID-19 restrictions in early 2022, 34 cryptocurrency wallets associated with the movement were blacklisted, exposing a critical vulnerability in Bitcoin’s ability to provide true financial autonomy. Anyone interacting with those wallets by sending or receiving money from them would risk being tracked down and punished by the robberment. Read more ⟶
Who’s the crazy one?
If people are indeed so bad, why would you create the possibility for them to end up in positions of power where they can cause immense harm? And then complain when these bad people, who are not angels, abuse their power? In that case, who’s the crazy one? Read more ⟶
Be aware that there are other proposals for “electronic money” which are not nearly so protective of individuals’ privacy. Chaum’s proposals are intended to preserve the privacy attributes of cash, so the term “digital cash” is appropriate. But other electronic replacements for cash not only lack its privacy, but would actually facilitate computer monitoring by putting more detailed information into databases, and by discouraging the use of cash. If you see a proposal for an electronic money system, check to see whether it has the ability to preserve the privacy of financial transactions the way paper money does today. If not, realize that the proposal is designed to harm, not help, individual privacy. Hal Finney (Protecting Privacy with Electronic Cash, 1993)
Lysander Spooner on the origin and purpose of legislation
A few weeks ago I came across some writings by Lysander Spooner published in 1882 under the title “Natural Law; or the Science of Justice”. Specifically section three of chapter three caught my attention because it contains a lot of insights that I had to come to myself over the course of a few years of my own research and experience. Read more ⟶
Plato on participating in politics
“One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors,” is a quote often attributed to the Greek philosopher Plato. In all the instances I’ve seen so far, this quote is used to motivate people to take action themselves and actively participate in politics. Read more ⟶
On “lie machines” and “digital crime”
I can still remember vividly when Curtis Hofwijks burst into laughter at the Dependence Square in Paramaribo, when I told him for the umpteenth time that my Facebook account was blocked again for a while. It was during the period of 2015–2016 when I supported him during his protests against the policies of the robberment, led at the time by Bouterse. Read more ⟶
Why Surinamese people are ‘suddenly’ dropping dead
In various Surinamese media, there have been reports for some time now of cases where people ‘suddenly’ collapse and die on the street, even while driving. Read more ⟶
Anarchy and chaos
The word ‘anarchy’ has its origins in the Ancient Greek word ‘anarchos’. ‘An’ means ‘without’ and ‘archos’ means ‘ruler’. So anarchy literally means “without ruler”. This can be compared to the word ‘monarchy’, which means “one ruler” (‘monos’ means ‘one’ or ‘alone’). Read more ⟶
PayPal gave us a glimpse of what’s coming
If you’ve been paying attention to what happened a few weeks ago with PayPal, you’ve seen a glimpse of the dystopian future that awaits us. Read more ⟶
On Voting and the Mafia
In one of the MobileCoin groups on Signal one of the participants named Mike Glenn shared a comment that I want to share with all of you. I thought it explained really well how the public is being fooled by voting in the so called ‘democracies’ of today while being robbed and enslaved. Read more ⟶
Anarchism is not a romantic fable but he hardheaded realization, based on five thousand years of experience, that we cannot entrust the management of our lives to kings, priests, politicians, generals, and county commissioners. Edward Abbey
‘Chan’ om ‘Bouta’: lood om oud ijzer
Het is geen wonder dat het huidig politiek/economisch systeem precies blijft doen waar het voor ontworpen was, namelijk het uitbuiten van eenieder op de plantage Suriname, ongeacht welke opzichters tijdelijk ‘de macht krijgen’. Read more ⟶
‘Chan’ for ‘Bouta’: lead for old iron
It is no coincidence that the current political/economic system continues to do exactly what it was designed to do, namely, exploitation of everyone on the plantation Suriname regardless of which overseers temporarily “come to power”. Read more ⟶
If you don’t read the newspaper, you’re uninformed. If you read the newspaper, you’re misinformed. Mark Twain
Know your crypto-history!
I came across a well-written paper last week titled “Cryptoanarchism and Cryptocurrencies” (August 20th 2020). The paper is written by Usman W. Chohan and it is available for download for free. I highly recommend reading it, even if you think you know a lot about the history of cryptocurrencies. Read more ⟶
The idea that the State originated to serve any kind of social purpose is completely unhistorical. It originated in conquest and confiscation — that is to say, in crime. It originated for the purpose of maintaining the division of society into an owning-and-exploiting class and a propertyless dependent class — that is, for a criminal purpose. Albert J. Nock
A man is no less a slave because he is allowed to choose a new master once in a term of years. Lysander Spooner
The beginning of the end of the banking ‘mafia’
Several articles have been published in recent months about the problems that people constantly face at local banks. There are also many complaints on social media. Members of parliament even speak of a banking ‘mafia’. Read more ⟶
The State is, and always has been, the great single enemy of the human race, its liberty, happiness, and progress. Murray Rothbard
I think the person who takes a job in order to live — that is to say, for the money — has turned himself into a slave. Joseph Campbell