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The true purpose of the Central Bank of Suriname (CBvS)

In a recent article on Starnieuws the authors claimed that the Central Bank of Suriname (CBvS) — a “great mother bank with so much achievement for the Surinamese society” — “has become a political working arm of the government”. The writers don’t seem to realize that the CBvS has always been a political working arm of the criminal government. And as far as there can be said to be “so much achievement”, it was mainly for the political and financial elite, and not for the Surinamese society.

It turns out that most people don’t know how central banks came into being and what their real purpose is in the current anti-social system of enslavement in which we find ourselves today. Central banks, with their monopoly on money creation, replaced the old (physical) forms of slavery. But don’t take it from me; here is what a banker from England (Mr. Hazzard) wrote to his American colleagues in 1862 in a ‘confidential’ circular (known as the Hazzard circular (PDF)):

Slavery is likely to be abolished […] and chattel slavery destroyed. This, I and my European friends are in favor of, for slavery is but the owning of labor, and carries with it the care for the laborer;  while the European plan, led on by England, is capital control of labor, by controlling wages. This can be done by controlling the money. The great debt that capitalists will see to it is made […], must be used as a measure to control the volume of money.

The “abolition of slavery” worldwide was thus accompanied by the introduction of this new (more lucrative and efficient) form of slavery. This brought many advantages for the masters, namely, the care for the slave was no longer necessary, and other problems such as runaway slaves and attacks on plantations disappeared. The labor of the slaves was now being regulated by central banks through the money, for example, by causing inflation/devaluations, or by taking on debts that were passed on to the slaves through taxation (see also my previous article on Starnieuws). Because the slaves keep less of their wages (due to the loss of value and/or more/higher taxes), they begin to work harder all by themselves in order to survive; whipping is unnecessary here. It is no coincidence that the American tax ‘service’ (IRS) was founded in the same year when the Hazzard circular was distributed.

It is also important to mention again that Anton de Kom was already aware of the above when he quoted Linguet in “We slaves of Suriname” (1934):

What is it that society has gotten in the place of the slaves? The so-called free servitude. But the gift of liberation, in this way, is no different than the crown with which one adores the victim: a true mockery. […] At least the slave was fed, even if he didn’t work […]. But what will become of the free wage earner, who is often poorly paid when he works, what will become of him if he does not work?

Indeed, what will become of the wage earners when their money loses its value and/or when they have to pay more and more to the criminal government to pay off enormous debts? It’s all deliberate. Perhaps now people will better understand the borrowing behavior of the criminal government. And perhaps the labor unions, who are now on their knees begging the criminal government for “tax relief”, will also better understand the real cause of their suffering.

In an article on my blog, I go into more detail on the role of central banks and their monopoly on money creation around the world, which is kept in place via government coercion. I also explain why several U.S. presidents, notably George Washington, Andrew Jackson, Abraham Lincoln, James A. Garfield, and John F. Kennedy, fought against the bankers and tried to free their people from debt-slavery. Andrew Jackson even campaigned under the slogan “Jackson and No Bank”. Lincoln, Garfield and Kennedy were eventually assassinated.

The words of Thomas Jefferson (one of the founders of the U.S.A.) from 1819 are still relevant today: “The eyes of our citizens are not yet sufficiently open to the true cause of our distresses. They ascribe them to every thing but their true cause, the banking system; a system, which, if it could do good in any form, is yet so certain of leading to abuse, as to be utterly incompatible with the public safety and prosperity.”


  1. “Surinamese society is on the verge of collapse” — Karel Donk (27/03/2020)
  2. The beginning of the end of the banking ‘mafia’ — Karel Donk (25/11/2021)


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