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I love Loreena McKennitt

Loreena McKennitt

Loreena McKennitt

More than 10 years ago, a friend of mine introduced me to music by Loreena McKennitt (Wikipedia). I instantly fell in love with her music. The very first song by her that I heard back then was titled “The Mummer’s Dance” and to this day it is still one of my favorites. She has a very beautiful voice, and her music has a Celtic and Middle Eastern/Arabic feel to it, able to carry you away to another world in seconds.

Listening to her music is one thing, actually seeing her and her crew perform is even more amazing. I recently saw her recorded performance at the Alhambra (Spain) in 2006, which you can order here on Amazon on DVD, and it was an absolute joy watching it. Seeing all those musicians perform with so much joy using so many exotic instruments, and watching Loreena sing is just incredible. I can only imagine what it would be like to actually sit there in the audience watching it live.

If you want to see some clips of that performance, here are some of the songs on YouTube: All Souls Night, The Mummer’s Dance, The Bonny Swans.

I highly recommend Loreena McKennitt’s Nights from the Alhambra DVD.


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