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Confessions of a Medical Heretic

One of the nice things about having a blog on the Internet is that you get to connect with people around the world and are able to share ideas and information with them. And the interactivity means that you can also get updates and learn from your readers. This is how I got to know about an amazing book by Robert S. Mendelsohn titled “Confessions of a Medical Heretic” (available on It was brought to my attention by Leo, one of my long-time readers.

Confessions of a Medical Heretic by Robert S. Mendelsohn

Robert S. Mendelsohn M.D. spent over twenty-five years as a practicing physician, and at the time of the publication of this book was the Chairman of the Medical Licensing Committee for the State of Illinois; he was Associate Professor of Preventive Medicine and Community Health in the School of Medicine of the University of Illinois, and the recipient of numerous awards for excellence in medicine and medical instruction.

In this book Mendelsohn exposes the medical establishment for their malpractice in a variety of areas. Specifically, he warns of being so stupid as to trust any doctor or to go to the hospital unless you have absolutely no other choice. Like he mentions in the book:

A hospital is like a war. You should try your best to stay out of it. And if you get into it you should take along as many allies as possible and get out as soon as you can. […] There are germs in hospitals that you can’t get anywhere else in town, not only because hospitals are such dirty places, but because of Modern Medicine’s fetish for ritual purification. Now, that appears to be a contradictory statement, but it’s not. Hospitals aren’t kept anywhere near as clean as they should be.

I believe that despite all the super technology and elite bedside manner that’s supposed to make you feel about as well cared for as an astronaut on the way to the moon, the greatest danger to your health is the doctor who practices Modern Medicine. I believe that Modern Medicine’s treatments for disease are seldom effective, and that they’re often more dangerous than the diseases they’re designed to treat. I believe the dangers are compounded by the widespread use of dangerous procedures for non-diseases.

You have to consider — and beware of — the doctor’s self interest. Doctors almost always get more reward and recognition for intervening than for not intervening. They’re trained to intervene and do something rather than observe, wait, and take the chance the patient will get better all by himself or go to another doctor. As a matter of fact, one of my key pieces of subversive advice to medical students is this: To pass an exam, get through medical school, and retain your sanity, always choose the most interventionist answer on a multiple choice test and you’re more likely to be right. For example, suppose somebody says to you that the patient has a pimple on his nose, and asks what should you do? If the first answer is watchful expectancy, wait and see what happens for a few days, that’s wrong, reject that. But if one of the answers is cut off his head and hook him up to a heart lung machine, then resew all the arteries and give him twenty different antibiotics and steroids, that answer is right. This piece of advice has carried more of my students through various crucial examinations, including national boards and specialty exams, than any other lesson.

He gives various examples in his book showing how doctors abuse patients for their own personal benefit, such as financial gain by selling them on needless and dangerous drugs or surgery, using them for practice or research purposes, or to simply fill their department in the hospital to reach certain quotas for financial benefit.

Here are a few quotes from the book about the use of drugs:

In 1890, Dr. Robert Koch derived a substance from tuberculosis bacteria which he claimed would cure the disease. When he injected it into patients, however, they got worse or died. In 1928, a drug called thorotrast was first used to aid in obtaining x-ray outlines of the liver, spleen, lymph nodes, and other organs. It took nineteen years to discover that even small doses of the drug caused cancer. In 1937, children who received a new antibacterial drug died because the drug was contaminated with a toxic chemical. In 1955, more than 100 fatal and near fatal cases of polio developed among unsuspecting people receiving certain lots of the Salk vaccine which contained presumably inactivated polio viruses. In 1959, about 500 children in Germany and 1,000 elsewhere were born severely deformed because their mothers had taken thalidomide, a sleeping pill and tranquilizer during the early weeks of pregnancy. In 1962, a cholesterol-lowering drug, triparanol, was removed from the market when it was acknowledged that the drug caused numerous side effects, cataracts among them.

Most of these pharmaceutical backfires were corrected either when the drug was removed from the market or when the manufacturing error was discovered and tighter controls were established. The controls haven’t been tight enough though, because drug disasters like these are going on every day. Actually, the only apparatus that has grown stronger seems to be the machinery of keeping dangerous drugs moving from the factories through the hands of doctors into the mouths and bodies of unwary patients. Reserpine, a drug used, against high blood pressure, is still prescribed, even though it was discovered in studies five years ago to triple the risk of breast cancer. Although insulin is turning up in scientific studies as one of the causes of diabetic blindness, its use is still heralded as a medical miracle.

Of course, if drugs were merely products of medical science, dealing with them would be a matter of science, rationality, and common sense. But drugs aren’t merely scientific — they’re sacred. Like the communion wafer which Catholics receive on the tongue, drugs are the communion wafers of Modern Medicine. When you take a drug you’re communing with one of the mysteries of the Church: the fact that the doctor can alter your inward and outward state if you have the faith to take the drug. And just as an undeniable factor in the healing or the spiritual boost the communicant gets at the altar rail is psychologically determined, the placebo effect — the power of suggestion — plays a tremendous role in whatever good a drug may do. As a matter of fact there are some drugs and other procedures in which we know the placebo effect is the primary therapeutic agent!

A couple of years ago, the University of Chicago was slapped with a $77-million class-action suit filed on behalf of more than 1,000 women who unwittingly took part in a University experiment, some twenty-five years ago, with the synthetic hormone DES. This suit has special significance to me since I was then a student at the university’s school of medicine and spent part of my time at Chicago Lying-In Hospital. I knew of the experiment, which tested the use of diethylstilbestrol in preventing threatened miscarriages. Being a conscientious medical student who trusted his school and believed his professors knew what they were doing I didn’t even question the experiment. Of course neither I nor the 1,000 or so women should have trusted the school, because the professors didn’t know what they were doing. In 1971, Dr. Arthur L. Herbst, then of Harvard Medical School, first announced that an alarmingly high rate of daughters of women who had taken DES were developing vaginal cancer. Later on we learned that male offspring of these women had an alarmingly high rate of genital malformations. And a statistically significant number of the women themselves were dying of cancer. Of course, by then the bloom was off the rose as far as my unquestioning acceptance of medical science was concerned.

Nowhere does the Church’s Inquisition emerge as clearly as it does through the drugging of children as a means of control. The medieval Inquisition went beyond defining unorthodox beliefs and behavior as a “sin” and started calling them a crime. Criminals were punished, first by the Church and then by the secular authorities. Modern Medicine sets up its Inquisition to define behavior which doesn’t conform as sick. Then it proceeds to “punish” the guilty by “managing” them with drugs. Since the primary purpose of schools is not to liberate the intelligence through learning but to create properly socialized and manageable citizens, the Medical Church and the State join forces to maintain public order. The Church enforces the behavior standards that suit the State and the State enforces the exclusive view of reality that allows the Church to flourish. All in the name of Health — which, in reality, is not even a minor consideration of either party.

One of the mottoes medical students are taught to memorize but never practice — such as “first do no harm” — is “when you hear the sound of hoofbeats, think of horses before zebras.” In other words when symptoms present themselves, first consider the most obvious, common sense cause. As you can see, this motto doesn’t survive very long in most doctors’ practices. You can’t use powerful and expensive drugs and procedures on horses. So what the doctor does is hear a herd of zebras every time, and treat accordingly. If a child is bored or can’t sit still, he’s hyperactive and needs a drug. If your joints are stiff because you don’t exercise them the way you should, you need a drug. If your blood pressure is a little high, you need a drug. If you’ve got the sniffles, you need a drug. If your life isn’t going the way it should, your need a drug. On and on … the zebras keep coming.

Perhaps what it will take to put the bypass under for good is the kind of courage it took one surgeon to pound the last nail into the coffin of “poudrage,” a heart operation that was popular a few decades ago. In this operation, they would open up the chest and simply sprinkle talcum powder on the outside of the heart. Presumably, this would irritate the linings and the vessels so they would develop new blood vessels and increase circulation. Poudrage was all the rage until a surgeon took a series of patients for the operation, opened all their chests, but sprinkled the powder on only half of them. The results were exactly the same. They all felt the same after surgery!

When it comes to surgery being mostly a placebo, I highly recommend watching a presentation by professor Ian Harris titled “Surgery: The ultimate placebo.” Mendelsohn wrote his book back in 1979, but you’ll see from professor Harris’ presentation that even today nothing has changed. Doctors will still recommend totally unnecessary surgery to their victims often for their own personal benefit.

With the COVID-19 hysteria going on worldwide these days, I also liked the below quote:

Doctors also have great confidence in caps, masks, and rubber gloves — none of which deserves any confidence at all. Masks become so contaminated after just ten minutes that they serve as bacterial cultures rather than shields.

And yet today, after so many years, many doctors will still recommend masks to people supposedly to fight COVID-19 while there’s at least 40 years of research showing how dangerous and ineffective they are. Of course, the medical establishment and criminal governments also want us to believe that we’re not going to get out of all the COVID-19 madness unless we take their poison AKA vaccines. Here’s what Mendelsohn has to say about vaccines in his book, and try to see the similarities with today:

Diphtheria, once an important cause of disease and death, has all but disappeared. Yet immunizations continue. Even when a rare outbreak of diphtheria does occur, the immunization can be of questionable value. During a 1969 outbreak of diphtheria in Chicago, four of the sixteen victims had been “fully immunized against the disease,” according to the Chicago Board of Health. Five others had received one or more doses of the vaccine, and two of these people had tested at full immunity. In another report of diphtheria cases, three of which were fatal, one person who died and fourteen out of twenty-three carriers had been fully immunized.

The effectiveness of the whooping cough vaccine is hotly debated all over the world. Only about half of its recipients benefit, and the possibility of high fevers, convulsions, and brain damage is too high to ignore. So great are the dangers that many public health authorities now prohibit the use of the vaccine after age six. Meanwhile, whooping cough itself has almost completely disappeared.

Whether or not the mumps vaccine is advisable is also in doubt. While the vaccine definitely lowers the incidence of mumps in those who receive it, it does so at the risk of exposing them to the dangers of mumps later on after the immunity has worn off. Furthermore, diseases such as mumps, measles, and German measles — for which vaccines have been developed over the past few years — don’t have the dread implications of smallpox, tetanus, and diphtheria. Contrary to popular belief, measles cannot cause blindness. Photophobia, which is merely a sensitivity to light, can be treated as parents years ago did: by pulling down the window shades. Measles vaccine is supposed to prevent measles encephalitis, which is said to occur in one out of 1,000 cases. Any doctor who has had decades of experience with measles knows that while the incidence may be that high among children who live under poverty and malnutrition, among well nourished middle and upper class children the incidence is one in 10,000 or even one in 100,000. Meanwhile, the vaccine itself is associated with encephalopathy in one case per million and more frequently with other neurologic and sometimes fatal conditions such as ataxia (discoordination), retardation, hyperactivity, aseptic meningitis, seizures, and hemiparesis (paralysis of one side of the body).

German measles or rubella vaccine remains controversial in that there is little consensus regarding the age at which people should be immunized. Vaccine for rubella may also do more harm than good, since there is a risk of arthritis arising from the drug which, although temporary, may last for months. In the United States, rubella vaccine is given to children rather than to women contemplating pregnancy. It’s debatable whether this does any good in protecting unborn fetuses since the rate of deformed babies born to mothers with obvious, diagnosed rubella varies from one year to the next, from one epidemic to the next, and from one study to the next.

Immunization isn’t the only factor determining whether or not a person contracts a disease. Numerous other factors such as nutrition, housing, and sanitation all figure strongly. Doubts persist as to whether the whooping cough (pertussis) vaccine has really had much to do with the decline in that disease — as well as to whether the vaccine would pass Food and Drug Administration standards if introduced today.

Sometimes the vaccine itself can trigger the disease. In September, 1977, Jonas Salk testified along with some other scientists that of a handful of polio cases which had occurred in the United States since the early 1970s most were likely the byproduct of the live polio vaccine which is in standard use here. In Finland and Sweden, where the killed virus is used almost exclusively, there have been no cases of polio in ten years. No one who lived through the 1940s and saw children in iron lungs, saw a president confined to his wheelchair, or who was forbidden from using public beaches for fear of catching polio, can forget the frightening specter raised in our minds. Today, when the man credited with stamping out polio points to the vaccine as the source of the handful of cases which do exist, it’s high time to question what we are gaining by using the vaccine on an entire population.

The mad vehemence of Modern Medicine is nowhere more evident than in the yearly influenza vaccine farce. I can never think about flu shots without remembering a wedding I once attended. Strangely enough, no grandparents were among the participants and no one seemed to be over age 60. When I finally asked where all the old folks were, I was told they had all received their flu shots a few days before. They were all at home recovering from the shots’ ill effects! The entire flu shot effort resembles some massive roulette game, since from one year to the next it’s anybody’s guess whether the strains immunized against will be the strains that are epidemic.

We were all afforded a peek at the real dangers of flu vaccines when in 1976, the Great Swine Flu Fiasco revealed, under close government and media surveillance, 565 cases of Guillain-Barre paralysis resulting from the vaccine and thirty “unexplained deaths” of older persons within hours after receiving the shot. I wonder what would be the harvest of disaster if we kept as close a watch on the effects of all the other flu shot campaigns. Dr. John Seal, of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease, says, “We have to go on the basis that any and all flu vaccines are capable of causing Guillain-Barre syndrome.”

The various problems with vaccines mentioned by Mendelsohn are still relevant today, as you’ll find in my post “Vaccination Is Ineffective And Dangerous.” Pay attention to what Mendelsohn says about the “yearly influenza vaccine farce” — this is exactly what we’re now also going to get with the COVID-19 vaccines, where we see that existing vaccines against COVID-19 are proven not be to effective, and people are soon going to have to take second and third shots to “boost their immunity.” The fact that the medical establishment is now also claiming that the existing vaccines are not effective against the new mutations of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, also means that people are probably going to have to get poisoned regularly against new mutations just like with the flu. This means lots of financial benefit for the medical establishment at the expense of their victims (‘patients’). For a very good illustration of this, watch the documentary “De overbodige griepprik” (“The unnecessary flu shot”) by ZEMBLA.

Doctors and other medical professionals who do speak the truth get attacked and marginalized. As Mendelsohn explains:

Medical politics, for example, is a cutthroat power game of the most primitive sort. I much prefer political politics, because there you have the art of the possible, which means you have to compromise. Medical politics is the art of sheer power. There is no compromise: you go right for the jugular vein before your own is torn out. There is no room for compromise because churches never compromise on canon law. Instead of a relatively open process in which people with different interests get together to try to get the most out of the situation that they can, in medical politics there is a rigid authoritarian power structure which can be moved only through winner-take-all power plays. Historically, doctors who have dared to change things significantly have been ostracized and have had to sacrifice their careers in order to hold to their ideas. Few doctors are willing to do either.

Mendelsohn also mentions the Orwellian use of language by the medical establishment:

The motto of the medical profession has always been “First Do No Harm.” As we’ve already seen, that motto is respected more in the breach than anywhere else, but it serves a very useful purpose. The medical profession can hide a lot of atrocities under the guise of doing no harm. The first thing to change when one cultural force overcomes another and takes over a society is language. When you control a people’s way of describing things, you control their way of dealing with them. We have a population “explosion,” which makes a lot of babies sound ominous and harmful. We have pregnancy “planning” or pregnancy “termination” to make abortion sound clinically detached from life and death. We say “euthanasia” instead of “mercy killing,” which somehow was too accurate a description even with the nice adjective. The most outrageous attempt to hide reality by changing vocabulary is the term “death with dignity.” Now, death is all right under any circumstances as long as it’s with “dignity.” The funny thing is that in the situations in which this term is most often employed, the act of “pulling the plug” removes all possibility of dignity from the event.

Controlling the language to control people’s minds is something that I also discussed in the past in my post “The true meaning of sex,” where I mentioned that “if you can control the language and the meaning of words, you can control people’s minds; people’s minds can be programmed through language […].”

I cannot recommend reading the entire book highly enough. It’ll definitely help you to avoid dangerous interactions with the medical establishment and give you a lot of insight into how they operate. And I can tell you from my own personal research over many years that most of what Mendelsohn describes in his book is still relevant and ongoing today.

I also found out that this book is being widely censored on the Internet. For example, I tried sharing the above cover image of the book in comments on Facebook, and Facebook immediately removed my comments, later notifying me that it was recognized as ‘spam.’ The same thing also happened when I tried to post the cover image of another book titled “Vaccination: Proved Useless and Dangerous.”

Comments with certain images being censored on Facebook

By now I hope that when you see books being censored like this by the establishment, you realize that these are must-read books. Find out what they don’t want you to know!


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