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Alienware has a problem: The Acer Aspire 6800

For the past 30 minutes, I’ve been busy cleaning up the drool off of my desk and keyboard and it looks like I’ll be busy doing that for another hour or so, as it just keeps flowing. And I’m blaming it all on the Acer Aspire 6800. Click here for a bigger picture. More pictures here. Before you look at it though, take extra care to cover your keyboard, have some tissue nearby and let your wife/girlfriend hold your creditcard for you at least for the following 2 days if you know you shouldn’t be spending money on a new computer at this time.

Apart from the fact that the Aspire 6800 has a beautiful and stylish design, it has incredible features. Just look at the whole list here on NewEgg (WARNING: The previous link contains a “BUY” button). It has a HD capable 20.1″ screen, an HD-DVD drive, 2GB RAM, GeForce 7300 256MB video card, Gigabit LAN, a total of 240GB hard disk space, 5-in-1 card reader, webcam, TV tuner, the works. It’s freaking awesome! It even comes with a remote control. And all that for about $2700. That’s an incredibly good deal for such a machine, if you ask me. Especially if you know that you can’t get such a machine even from Alienware at such a low price. They can’t even offer some of the features the Aspire 6800 has.

And looking at the specs, this is ofcourse Windows Vista ready. I can already see Windows Vista running on it.

Excuse me while I wipe the drool off of my mouth and chin again.

The colors will go well with the new Windows Vista interface too. The only thing I can think of that would have made it better is if they had put in 7200RPM hard drives instead of the 5400RPM ones that it is being sold with. Another thing is ofcourse the size of this notebook and the weight. It’s not easy carrying it around with you.

But I can tell you one thing. If Alienware doesn’t work on their offerings, my next notebook is going to be an Acer Aspire 6800 or most likely one of the future newer models.


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