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Very First QuantumGate Alpha Release

I’ve just published the first alpha release for QuantumGate on GitHub. You can head on over to the releases page to download and try it. This version (v0.2.3-alpha) includes pre-built binaries to make it easier for interested developers to try out the library without having to set up a build environment (including all dependencies) to build the library from source code themselves.

Both Debug and Release versions of all the pre-built binaries are included in this release for the Win32 (32-bit) and x64 (64-bit) Microsoft Windows platforms, while only the latest release of Windows 10 and 2019 Server are supported.

The examples, tutorials and extensive documentation available in the wiki on GitHub will get you started ASAP. One of the quick ways to get a general idea of what’s possible using QuantumGate is to have a look at the TestApp executable file that is also included in the pre-built binaries. This application is primarily used to (stress) test most of the features of QuantumGate, but it also demonstrates instant messaging, file transfer, video and audio communications as well as a SOCKS5 interface for setting up a secure tunnel between QuantumGate instances. A more detailed article taking a look at the SOCKS5 interface of the TestApp will be published soon.

I’ve used the Socks5 Extender which is integrated in the TestApp to browse the Internet for extended periods of time and it works quite well. If you need a quick solution to set up an encrypted tunnel for secure browsing this might be an option even though it is currently in alpha development state. Stay tuned for a more detailed post on this.

During development of this latest version I spent a lot of time on changing and optimizing some of the inner workings of QuantumGate. I was able to improve things such that data transfer rates on my machine using QuantumGate connections went from around 650Mb/s to 950Mb/s when not using compression. A significant performance increase. And there’s still lots of room left for optimizations and improvements although I doubt that they’ll have a similar effect on performance. I don’t want to spend too much time right now on smaller optimizations because it may be premature during this stage when things change very often.

I also spent time on writing some more unit tests and on bug fixes. I found out yet again how important it is to have good tests that you can rely on. So in the coming period I’m going to focus on writing more tests while also working on some additional (fucking awesome) features that I have planned. For more information about QuantumGate see my earlier introductory post.


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