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Vaccination Propaganda and Fake News

The mainstream media is currently busy with a major propaganda campaign to promote big pharma’s vaccination poison against measles. I noticed this by chance after someone brought a link to my attention regarding what is now supposedly going on in Madagascar. From what I saw, the source of this specific piece of propaganda appears to be the Associated Press. They are distributing the same article or press release to many news websites on the Internet who then publish it (almost) verbatim.

Here’s an example from Time and the same article also on NBC News. A search on Google reveals many sites that have published the exact same article, often with the exact same headlines as well.

Vaccination Propaganda

While this is happening, they’ve also begun a massive online censorship campaign against people who are anti-vaccination. For example, Facebook have begun censoring information related to anti-vaccination:

Facebook censors have found a new target, it seems. Company executives told Bloomberg News that they’re considering cutting from their pages any news that undercuts vaccinations — meaning, anyone who disagrees with the government about the need to vaccinate kids will see one of their key platforms completely shuttered.

Similarly YouTube are censoring any information related to anti-vaccination:

YouTube on Friday said it would prevent channels that promote anti-vax content from running advertising, saying explicitly that such videos fall under its policy prohibiting the monetization of videos with “dangerous and harmful” content. The move comes after advertisers on YouTube pulled their ads from these videos, following inquiries from BuzzFeed News.

The above is in line with what they published on their blog recently:

To that end, we’ll begin reducing recommendations of borderline content and content that could misinform users in harmful ways—such as videos promoting a phony miracle cure for a serious illness, claiming the earth is flat, or making blatantly false claims about historic events like 9/11.

While this shift will apply to less than one percent of the content on YouTube, we believe that limiting the recommendation of these types of videos will mean a better experience for the YouTube community. To be clear, this will only affect recommendations of what videos to watch, not whether a video is available on YouTube.

Like I mentioned before, censorship can happen in different forms, and demonetizing and removing videos from recommendations are ways to make it difficult for people to spread and find certain information.

Just like we saw a while back in the case of Alex Jones and Sargon of Akkad, this seems to be a global coordinated effort by the establishment to attack the anti-vaccine movement. It appears that the anti-vaccine movement is making progress and big pharma are now getting desperate. The current ongoing propaganda campaigns by the World Health Organization (WHO) seem to be designed to instill fear into people through exaggerated claims of measles outbreaks and death tolls around the world. These outbreaks of the disease are of course blamed on the “anti-vaxxer movement”.

There’s also a global effort to make vaccination mandatory through the use of government coercion. Whenever you see people or organizations resorting to the use of government violence to force you to accept something, that’s a clear sign that you should be extremely skeptical and distrust anything they’re trying to get you to accept. It is an extreme violation of every individual’s right to life when a government can force them to accept anything they want and take away their right to make their own choices. It means that the government claims to have more rights to an individual’s body than the individual themselves. That makes the individual a slave of the government.

A former Japanese health official made similar remarks in the past:

Hiroko Mori, former head of the infectious disease section at the former Institute of Public Health (now known as the National Institute of Public Health), has been warning people about the dangers of vaccination for decades.

The 80-year-old expert on public health used to be involved in research to improve the Japanese encephalitis vaccine and prevent the maternal transmission of hepatitis B.

“I don’t oppose vaccination across the board,” Mori says. “Medicine is supposed to be about healing, but babies who cannot speak are being given unnecessary shots because parents are scared. Children are losing their ability to heal naturally.”

“There are so many people who have suffered side effects (from vaccination),” Mori says. “All we are asking is to establish the right to say ‘no.’ The right to choose should be recognized as a fundamental human right.

In recent history, Japan has experienced its fair share of incidents related to vaccination.

In the 1970s, about 300 victims and relatives of children who died after receiving vaccinations against smallpox and other diseases in Tokyo, Nagoya, Osaka and Fukuoka fought against the government and won compensation in the 1980s and ’90s.

Japan introduced the MMR (measles, mumps and rubella) vaccine in 1989 but was forced to take it off the shelves four years later after about 2,000 people suffered side effects that included aseptic meningitis.

As usual it’s all about the money when it comes to such cases; big pharma wants to sell their poison worldwide in large quantities and, through government coercion, wants to be guaranteed of a market and yearly profits. As the Dutch investigative journalist Daan de Wit found (published in his book “Dossier Mexicaanse Griep”):

In February 2009, a five-year-old boy in Mexico gets pain in his throat. A year and a half later, more than 100 million flu vaccines are destroyed in Europe alone. Governments have suffered huge losses – the pharmaceutical industry made billions in profits. What happened? Have we crawled through the eye of the needle or have we shamelessly misused the fear of a deadly flu virus?

By the change of a definition a mild flu could be declared a pandemic, vaccines were put on the market that had not yet or hardly been tested and the vaccination of the world population became one big experiment. Gradually the consequences become visible. And those won’t make you happy.

Conflicts of interest, billions of dollars in profits, fear campaigns, experimental vaccines and secret contracts: that’s the story of the Mexican flu.

Investigative journalist Daan de Wit dives into the opaque web of health councils, governments, corrupt advisors and a powerful industry.

I strongly advise everyone to be very skeptical and to avoid poisoning yourself and your children with the crap from big pharma. The consequences can be quite devastating as hundreds of cases online show.


  1. Vaccination is Ineffective and Dangerous — Karel Donk (08/03/2019)


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