My post about Hitler is being reported on Facebook
For a while now I’ve noticed Facebook’s internal review website appearing in the traffic statistics for my blog. It appears that people are sharing my post “Adolf Hitler: The Greatest Story NEVER Told” on Facebook, and that other people are reporting the link to Facebook for it to get taken down. The reports go to Facebook’s internal review website where moderators look at it and decide what to do with the content posted on Facebook.
In the below image you can see a partial screenshot for the traffic statistics of my blog for September 23rd 2019.
And below is a screenshot from my Google analytics statistics, where you can see that the moderators at Facebook clicked through in their internal review website and landing on my post about Adolf Hitler.
I don’t know where on Facebook the link was posted or who posted it, and of course, I personally am not using Facebook anymore. So I also don’t know what decision was ultimately taken by the Facebook moderators. Judging from the fact that this article about Hitler keeps getting posted on Facebook and keeps getting reported, certainly in the period between July 2019 — September 2019, I guess it’s at least not being banned. But perhaps it does get taken down, until someone else posts it again.
Keep in mind that this was also the same post that I used to advertise on Facebook a few years ago, and even though my advertisement was being reported, Facebook did allow the ad to continue running.

In this screenshot of statistics on Facebook, you can see one of several ads for my blog post on Hitler. This ad was allowed to run for a couple of weeks on Facebook.
My post “Adolf Hitler: The Greatest Story NEVER Told” is one of my most popular posts and has consistently been at the top of my blog statistics for months. If you haven’t read it yet, check it out.
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