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On the morning of June 23rd, 2013, I had a very strange experience. You could call it a dream, but I’m not sure it was a dream.

Right before I woke up at around 11am that Sunday morning, a blue screen presented itself before me. My whole field of vision was filled with a solid blue color, no matter where I looked. It was as if I was standing inside a blue sphere. There were no walls and no corners.

Then right in the middle, a small white window popped up with a progress bar with the text “LOADING…” above it, aligned to the left. It looked exactly like the image pictured above. I can guarantee that because as soon as I later woke up, the first thing I did was walk over to my computer and draw what I had seen in Photoshop after which I posted it to Facebook. 🙂

It took what seemed to be a minute for the progress bar to reach 100%. While it was slowly moving to the right, I remember thinking “Well, this is new…” and then later “It’s sure taking a long time…”

And when it finally reached 100% my bedroom crossfaded into view. It was a really smooth crossfade, too. I think I opened my eyes, but it almost seemed like my eyes were open all that time, and I could just see the “load screen” until it faded away into my bedroom.

After the “load screen” faded away, I found myself staring at the ceiling, thinking what the hell just happened. Was it a dream? If so, it’s the weirdest dream I ever had. And I would have dismissed it as just a weird dream if it weren’t for the fact that, as I lied there in bed, I had the best feeling I ever had.

It’s hard to describe how I felt; the best way I can describe it is feeling extremely well rested. I had never felt that way before, and so far, have never felt it again after that one experience. To me that was an indication of the fact that this had to be more than just a simple dream.

It was a very interesting experience, considering the fact that science is beginning to come to the realization that humans are very much like the robots we’re now beginning to build ourselves. Nikola Tesla used to refer to humans as “meat machines.” And that could be true; we could be meat machines being run by software we call our consciousness. Is it just coincidence that scientists have found that the human mind boots up just like a computer when we wake up in the morning?

“Just as a computer must boot up its operating system before running involved applications like spreadsheets, nitric oxide released as the brain wakes up may set the stage for more complex brain operations by enhancing information at the earliest processing steps,” said Godwin.

Like I mentioned in a recent post, the human body is really a biological supercomputer with many trillions of nodes (the individual cells). Every cell in the human body is a fully featured computer, and once hooked up to the communications infrastructure of the body (the body’s Internet), contributes all its resources to the body’s mind, specifically its processing and storage capacity (yes the mind is not in the brain; it’s distributed throughout the body in every cell).

It’s probably no coincidence either that Russian scientists have found that DNA is part of a biological Internet, basically what Rupert Sheldrake refers to as morphic resonance (what Carl Jung called the collective unconscious).

This could explain why I often just simply know things via “intuition.” Once I know something, I then go out to find supporting information in order to explain it to others in an acceptable way (i.e. so I can say something is true for other reasons than simply because I just know it).

The next 50 to 100 years are going to be very exciting when it comes to research into the nature of consciousness. I’ve spent a considerable amount of time in the recent past doing my own personal research on this. I often wish I could have been free from all the issues in life, and didn’t have to worry about earning a living, so I could dedicate myself completely to my personal research. It’s one of the few things I can still be passionate about in life.


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