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I’m Rich and Successful

One of the things that I’ve realized and have been thinking about often in the last few weeks is how rich and successful I am. And I don’t mean this in the way that most people understand these terms, which is usually in the financial sense, because I don’t care about being rich and successful in that way. In fact, I’ve written before about the fact that I never want to get rich in that sense.

What I mean by being rich and successful in this case is that I have some very valuable things that most people these days can’t have, or can’t allow themselves to have, even though they want it.

And in particular, two very important and related things that I do have a lot of, are freedom of speech (and thought) and independence. I can freely and honestly speak my mind publicly without fear of what others will think (of me) and without fear of any consequences that it will have on my life. I can say, and have said, things in public that others can only dream of saying because they fear damaging their public image, their career or their (business) opportunities. I can be true to myself in private and in public. Most importantly, I can say ‘no’ when most people can’t, and this is largely thanks to the fact that I’ve structured my life in such a way where I can be highly independent and have nothing to lose.

It’s entirely worthless to me to be financially wealthy, beloved and successful according to public perception, when I have to censor myself in public and even in private. Or when I have to follow orders given by others even if they go against my own principles. Or when I have to go along with and play immoral and corrupt games in the current anti-social system of enslavement to get ahead. Or when I have to be a hypocrite and pretend to be a different person in public, holding a different set of values, so that I can gain personal wealth and success from that. Even when it comes to things such as sex and intimacy, they’re worthless to me if I can’t get them by being open and truthful about who I am and what I think.

Living like this isn’t easy, to be sure. Most people cannot afford themselves this kind of luxury; they would lose a lot of what they (could potentially) have; it would cost them a fortune. In other words, it’s way too expensive for them to live the life I live.

While I thought about this in the last few weeks, I realized even more how much value I possessed. I felt rich and successful on my own terms. I felt grateful to be where I currently am in life, and dare I say it, maybe even a little ‘happy’.


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