Censorship on social media will rise sharply

On October 16th 2024, O’Keefe Media Group published footage of Jeevan Gyawali, a senior software engineer at Meta, discussing how Meta censors information on their social media platforms (among which Facebook and Instagram). According to Gyawali, anything they dislike is automatically demoted by their algorithms, resulting in reduced reach. He stated that Meta’s “Integrity Team” is responsible for monitoring content through “civic classifications,” a system that shadow bans posts without informing users. When asked if Meta can influence election outcomes, Gyawali answered ‘yes’ and later added that Mark Fuckerberg supports these policies ‘100%’.

There have been multiple Meta insiders in the last few years who have, voluntarily or otherwise, confirmed these policies. In Gyawali’s case it happened through an undercover journalist with a hidden camera, but there have also been whistleblowers who have confirmed Meta’s censorship policies.

Mark Fuckerberg recently claimed to ‘regret’ the censorship policies during the COVID-19 plandemic. In a letter to the House Judiciary Committee on August 26th 2024, he revealed that high-ranking U.S. robberment officials had pressured the company to censor posts. Many accounts were also permanently suspended at that time. In hindsight, much of the information labeled as ‘misinformation’ turned out to be based on the truth. Fuckerberg called the robberment interference ‘wrong’ and announced plans to resist it from now on. But as Gyawali confirmed, censorship continues as usual.

People are turned into mindless zombies by censorship on social media

Given what I’ve seen and experienced in recent years that’s no surprise to me. Fuckerberg and Meta cannot be trusted. I’ve been called “the most censored man in Suriname on social media” by some of my friends in the past. And I have always warned that it was only a matter of time before these forms of censorship would affect everyone in Suriname.

On September 11th 2024, it was announced that Facebook had imposed a 30-day ban on Starnieuws for live broadcasts. Several media companies in Suriname later admitted that they also frequently experience censorship. Coincidentally (?) shortly before this on September 6th 2024, my LinkedIn account, which had over 9,000 followers, was also permanently restricted after months of unsuccessful attacks. This happened after a series of my posts were reported about the current ethnic cleansing by Israhell in Palestine, which has been ongoing since 1947 according to the renowned Jewish historian Ilan Pappé (see “The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine”).

Just as the world was not allowed to know what was truly happening during the COVID-19 plandemic, so too is it not allowed to see the large-scale slaughter and destruction currently taking place in Palestine. Not a day goes by in Gaza when babies and children are not murdered in the most gruesome way possible by Israhell. Bodies of children are regularly found with (sometimes multiple) gunshot wounds to the head or neck. According to prime minister Satanyahu of Israhell it’s truly necessary for this to happen. You can still see a lot about this on Twitter/X, but even there censorship happens daily. Shadow bans are also common, and Elon Musk and Linda Yacarino, the owner and CEO of Twitter/X, are very open about that with their Orwellian and hypocritical statement Freedom of Speech, not Freedom of Reach.

The steps taken by Surinamese media to address this issue locally are not the right ones. Approaching social media companies is futile, as the above information has hopefully already shown. Approaching the robberment is even more futile, as they themselves represent the greatest evil and are often the cause and have the most to gain from censorship. Not only the U.S. robberment but also the Surinamese robberment is involved in censorship, as I have previously discussed.

With their interference in social media companies and their open support for the ethnic cleansing and genocide in Palestine, the U.S. robberment has lost all credibility in terms of protecting freedom of speech and human rights that they still had among a large part of the ill-informed worldwide population. Right now, everyone can still follow on Twitter/X how Israhell slaughters the population in Palestine and Lebanon, with, and especially thanks to, American support. However, on October 5th 2024, Hillary Clinton warned that they would “lose total control if [social media platforms] do not moderate and monitor messages.” And following Brazil’s lead, the European Commission is now also considering to fine not Twitter/X, but Elon Musk personally, if he doesn’t increase censorship on Twitter/X. So expect the problem to only get worse.


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