The lonely journey home
This image of an egret flying to its nest at dusk all by itself reminds me of the fact that life can be very lonely. And ironically life can become very lonely when you try to live an honest life. Common sense would lead you to expect the opposite; that life would be lonely if you lied and cheated your way through it, but the reality is different. More often than not it seems that you can only get what you want and succeed in life if you lie and cheat very often. Indeed you learn from experience that the system you live in actually encourages such behavior by design. Instead of being rewarded for being honest and true, things get more difficult for you and you may even get punished. You may eventually even find yourself isolated. And then you’re practically alone on your journey through life, not consciously knowing where it’s leading to, but having a faint realization deep inside you that once the journey ends you’ll find yourself back at home.
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