Israel – The Terrorist State
When it comes to the conflict between Israel en Palestine, it quickly becomes very clear in the below image who is wiping who off the map. Israeli historian Ilan Pappe rightfully calls it an ethnic cleansing. As admitted by a Jewish researcher:
We Jews did come and throw them out and take their country away from them. It’s been thoroughly documented. […] an entire generation of Jewish-Israeli scholars, (and many others, but we Jews need to hear it from Jews first!) has carefully documented the ethnic cleansing of Palestine and presented the history that she personally knew, but actively hid and denied. She and her colleagues concealed the truth from Jewish supporters of Israel all over the world including my family, who taught me lies quite innocently, because they didn’t know any better.
From an article by Mostafa Omar published on the website of the International Socialist Review (ISR) here:
ISRAELI HISTORIAN Ilan Pappe, whose parents fled persecution in Nazi Germany in the 1930s, minces no words in telling the real story of Zionism’s crimes against the Palestinians:
It is the horrific story of the ethnic cleansing of Palestine, a crime against humanity that Israel has wanted to deny and cause the world to forget.
[..] he continues to argue that Israel must admit its historic crime in order to begin the process of reconciliation. He also argues that the state of Israel is racist to the core and must be democratized and purged of hate. The first step towards democratization is eliminating the Jewish character of the state, allowing all Palestinian refugees to return, and establishing total equality between Arabs and Jews in Palestine.
To those who say that there was never a country called Palestine before the Zionists started occupying the land and created Israel, watch the below video titled “Palestine Before Israel – Maps.”
The Palestinians living under the British mandate (Mandatory Palestine, from 1920 – 1948) had their own passport. Even the early Zionist settlers referred to the land as “Palestine.”
The land was promised to the Zionist central bankers by the government of the United Kingdom (see the Balfour Declaration) in 1917 and that was the beginning of all the misery in Palestine.
One of the best books I’ve read on how the Zionists eventually created Israel and what they did to the Palestinians in order to drive them away from their land is “The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine” by historian Ilan Pappe. When I read that book, it was often difficult for me to accept that people could be as evil as the Zionists. And yet Pappe’s book is based on historical facts.