Monika Schaefer on the Holocaust
Monika Schaefer is a Canadian citizen of German ancestry. She was arrested at the trial of Sylvia Stolz in Munich, Germany, on January 3th, 2018 for “holocaust denial.” She was arrested because of the above video where she talks about growing up in Canada as a young girl and being taunted at school by children who were under the influence of anti-Germany propaganda. She later learned of the lies about Germany and the fact that the so called “holocaust” never actually happened in the way that we were lead to believe.
Schaefer’s case is similar to another German woman named Ursula Haverbeck who I blogged about before. She’s also currently in prison in Germany for similar charges.
If you want to know what really happened in Germany during World War II, my post “Adolf Hitler: The Greatest Story NEVER Told” is a good place to start.
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