Gun Laws and Censorship in New Zealand and Australia

Zero Hedge reports that information related to the recent attacks at two New Zealand mosques, and even entire websites, are being censored by Internet providers in New Zealand and Australia:

In the wake of last week’s terror attacks at two New Zealand mosques which left 50 dead, several websites which either reported on the incident, hosted footage of the attacks, or have simply allowed people to engage in uncensored discussion such as Dissenter or Zero Hedge, have been partially or completely blocked in both New Zealand and Australia for the sake of “protecting consumers,” according to the CEOs of three New Zealand telcos.

“You may be aware that on the afternoon of Friday 15 March, three of New Zealand’s largest broadband providers, Vodafone NZ, Spark and 2degrees, took the unprecedented step to jointly identify and suspend access to web sites that were hosting video footage taken by the gunman related to the horrific terrorism incident in Christchurch,” reads the joint letter from Vodafone’s Jason Paris, and NZ telcos Spark and 2degrees Simon Moutter Stewart Sherriff.

“As key industry players, we believed this extraordinary step was the right thing to do in such extreme and tragic circumstances. Other New Zealand broadband providers have also taken steps to restrict availability of this content, although they may be taking a different approach technically,” the letter continues.

As reported in the article, even Facebook, Twitter and Google took part in all the censorship. But what’s particularly interesting is the fact that the following piece of information was also censored:

In addition to documenting the incident, Monroe has been noting the mass censorship surrounding the shootings – as well as things such as the New Zealand Herald stealth editing a March 15 article to remove mention of a “well known Muslim local” who “chased the shooters and fired two shots at them as they sped off.”

An archived version of the original March 15th 2019 article by the New Zealand Herald can be found here.

Why is this important? If you’ve seen the video of the attack by the shooter on the first mosque (it can be downloaded via The Pirate Bay), you’ll see that the victims were completely unarmed, very vulnerable and defenseless. The shooter was able to easily kill almost everyone present at the mosque at that time. Had at least one of the over 40 people who were present been armed with a gun, they could have fired back and likely cause the shooter to run away. At the very least they could have attempted to defend themselves from him and limit the damage he could do. It appears this is what happened at the second mosque where the shooter was less ‘successful’:

A second shooting happened at a mosque in the Linwood area of the city. One Friday prayer goer returned fire with a rifle or shotgun. Witnesses said they heard multiple gunshots around 1.45pm. A well known Muslim local chased the shooters and fired two shots at them as they sped off. He was heard telling police officers he was firing in “self defence”. “They were in a silver Subaru,” he told police.

Just hours after the attacks took place, New Zealand’s Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern mentioned that “there will be changes to our gun laws” promising tighter gun laws within 10 days. This is exactly what the establishment wants — to have a reason to disarm people. And given that agenda, the above censored story, proving that when people can carry their own weapons they can defend themselves, doesn’t fit within the narrative and propaganda promoting more gun control.

More gun control will only make the people more vulnerable and unable to defend themselves, and this is exactly what governments throughout history have always wanted. Criminals always find a way around gun control laws, and the most dangerous criminals that we have in every society around the world, and that we need to protect ourselves from, are the governments themselves.


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