Choose Pussy over Pain
Cidny G. Green published a video on Vimeo where she discusses the problem of sexual suppression and repression on social media these days, making many good points. I highly recommend watching it. She does a very good job of exposing the double standards and the hypocrisy in societies around the world when it comes to (female) sexuality. What triggered Green to make this video was her Instagram account being deleted because she had posted an image containing nudity which violated their guidelines.
I admire Green’s courage and enjoyed her good sense of humor. Actions such as Green’s will help a great deal with exposing the bullshit and hypocrisy surrounding human sexuality in societies around the world; it all needs to end as soon as possible.
In the past I had already posted specifically about Facebook’s hypocritical policies with regard to female nipples and nudity. I’ll have much more to say about this in the near future.
Check out the first part of my article series on sexual repression and suppression here: “Sexual Suppression and Repression I: Definition and Origin”
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