Best Business Practices for Photographers
I’ve recently ordered my copy of John Harrington‘s latest book, Best Business Practices for Photographers. I already own the first edition, and the second edition covers some more topics in addition to the ones in the first edition. Harrington has some more information about the new book on his blog.
I can’t recommend this book highly enough. This is simply a MUST READ for anyone thinking about entering the photography business, anyone already in the photography business and amateurs who are looking to make money off of their photography work. Harrington shares a lot of great insights on many different aspects of being a professional photographer and running a healthy business using real world examples. Even if you’re just an amateur photographer, sometimes making a little money selling an image license here and there, there’s a lot to learn from this book (for example, how to value your work and the thinking behind it, what mistakes not to make when licensing your work etc.).
Harrington also has a ton of great articles on his blog related to the subject. When I first found his blog some time ago, I read through the entire blog within a day. It’s really worth checking out, especially the archives.
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