I’ve been busy in the last two months preparing and filing a lawsuit against the criminal government in Suriname against the mandatory COVID-19 lockdown measures. Details on that can be found on a separate website that I created for this purpose. It’s in Dutch, but if you’re interested you can use an online translation service to check it out.
As part of my petition I also included the below graph, showing the number of COVID-19 ‘positive’ cases and ‘deaths’ against the seasons and the average amount of rainfall for each month. It turns out that there’s a tight correlation between them and that what we’re dealing with here is just the normal seasonal flu, which has now been rebranded into ‘COVID-19.’ The correlation is so tight that you can even predict the start, end and severity of each ‘wave’ with a good amount of accuracy.
What also becomes immediately obvious from the graph is that the lockdown measures don’t help in reducing the amount of COVID-19 ‘positive’ cases and ‘deaths’ and that these numbers have their own dynamic which are tied more to the amount of rainfall.
I might do a more detailed post on this in the future, but for now, you can find all the details in my petition (‘verzoekschrift’) and my replies to the defendant on the Anti-Lockdown website, where you can also download a high resolution version of te above graph in PDF format.
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