Access to Porn does not mean Sexual Freedom
During past discussions I’ve often found that people mistakenly believe that where there’s easy access to lots of porn and a variety of sexual services there’s sexual freedom. For example like we can see in most Western an European societies today. But this is a misconception; the truth is the opposite. Pornography would not exist in any society where there’s true sexual freedom. Pornography is a symptom of a society where people are sexually suppressed and can’t easily satisfy their sexual needs with each other. If people could easily satisfy their sexual desires with a partner, there would be no need to masturbate to pornography.
Similarly, the various kinds of sexual services (erotic/sensual massage parlors, prostitution, sex shops etc.) would be totally unnecessary in a society free of sexual suppression where people could easily satisfy their sexual needs with each other. When you see these services being advertised everywhere and being tolerated as a ‘normal’ part of life, it doesn’t mean that there’s sexual freedom. On the contrary it’s a symptom of sexual suppression. It’s a sign of blocked and corrupted sexual preferences and expression. Again, why use a dildo or a doll if you could easily get the real thing?
Sexual suppression is also the root cause of people developing paraphilia, such as sexual attraction to the same sex (homosexuality), a primary sexual preference for children (pedophilia) or for animals (zoophilia), and people developing warped ideas about (their own) sexuality (gender dysphoria; transgenders). So whenever you see societies where all of these things are being normalized, it doesn’t mean that these people have sexual freedom. On the contrary, all of these paraphilia are symptoms of the fact that there is no sexual freedom and that the natural expression of sexual desire is being blocked, often starting from early childhood. This results in perversion of desire and corrupted sexual expression. This is why Pakistan Internet users top Google searches for gay sex while being one of the world’s most homophobic countries. It’s also why the memes exist of Arab men fucking goats. If you’re going to lock away and cover up all of your women for religious reasons for most of their lives, what do you expect your men to fuck? Themselves, of course, and if you make that illegal, then they will fuck their goats and camels instead or search Google for related porn.
The same mistake is made when people come across ancient cultures where there are lots of sculptures, drawings, writings and books about sex. For example, looking at the sexual sculptures in the Khajuraho Temple in India, you might think that the people living in that culture were probably very open and free when it came to sexuality. But it is far more likely, given the many social restrictions when it comes to women and sex in Indian cultures, that these sculptures, drawings, writings and books served a similar purpose as pornography in current Western societies.
As I’ve discussed extensively in previous posts, the various written (‘laws’) and unwritten (‘culture’) rules in society that restrict and regulate sexuality exist to mentally castrate people so that they become easier to control and manipulate like slaves. These rules enable sexual suppression and repression which further lead to scarcity of intimacy and sexual satisfaction in society. And when there is scarcity, people can be manipulated to do things in order to be able to satisfy their strong and constantly nagging sexual desires. In such a society, you would actually want pornography and sexual drawings and sculptures to exist so that it creates sexual tension. On the one hand people are restricted from easily satisfying their sexual desires, while on the other hand they are constantly bombarded with sexual advertising which increases inner sexual conflict and tension. This motivates them to jump through the hoops that the slave masters want them to jump through in order to satisfy their sexual desires. Basically the masters are saying: “If you want sex, then you must follow the procedures we have laid out for you; you must first satisfy our conditions; you must first work for us and do what we say.” Think of it like the carrot hanging from the stick in front of the horse.

The sexually suppressed populations of the world being manipulated by their masters through sexual starvation. A modified version of
Boardman Robinson’s original ‘Europe 1916’.
This is precisely how the priests got farmers to work for them like slaves in return for sexual satisfaction in the past. Like I discussed in my post “On Money, Bitcoin And Cryptocurrencies In General”:
the temple […] was the storage place for the reserves of wheat that supported the priesthood, and also the community in lean times. So farmers fulfilled their religious and social obligations by bringing their contributions of wheat to the temple, and receiving in exchange a shekel coin, entitling them to a visit with the temple prostitutes at the festival time. Imagine that if there was no sexual repression in society, people would quite easily be able to obtain sex, and manipulating people into doing work in exchange for a token to be able to have sex with prostitutes would have been extremely difficult to impossible. Hence the need for sexual repression in order to create artificial scarcity, which we still have in most societies around the world today driving consumerism.
It would totally make sense if the walls of these temples were covered with sexual sculptures and drawings that would stimulate the farmers and remind them of the pleasure they would receive upon fulfilling their social obligations. “See what pleasures await you? Now go out and work for us like slaves and you will be rewarded! And do not even think about obtaining sex in any other way than according to our rules, or else you will get punished!” I’m sure you can image that this strategy wouldn’t work if the priests didn’t also create and enforce rules in society mandating that women stay locked up and remain virgins for as long as possible so that the farmers wouldn’t have much choice. Even worse when masturbation is also made illegal (or a ‘sin’). Perhaps now you understand why all those religious rules promoting sexual suppression exist.

Sculptures in the Khajuraho Temple in India photographed by Ankit Saha (source).
The same tactic is still applied today in societies all over the world where the sexually suppressed slave populations are being stimulated through sexually suggestive advertising and pornography in order to keep them running like hamsters in a wheel with the ultimate goal of satisfying their sexual desires. Working your ass off for your masters results in more money, luxury and higher social status, which is the only way in which you’re going to get pussy from most of the women who are brainwashed by those same masters to look for money, luxury and higher social status. Yes, women today behave exactly like the prostitutes in the ancient temples mentioned above. Like Esther Vilar wrote in “The Manipulated Man” (1971):
By the age of twelve at the latest, most women have decided to become prostitutes. Or, to put it another way they have planned a future for themselves which consists of choosing a man and letting him do all the work. In return for his support, they are prepared to let him make use of their vagina at certain given intervals.
It’s all on purpose and by design.
True sexual freedom only exists when everyone is allowed to easily satisfy their sexual desires with the opposite sex starting from early childhood. When simultaneously there’s also an absence of rules that dictate to everyone how, where and when it’s allowed for people to get intimate with one another and/or to have sex. In fact, the only ‘rules’ that would exist in such a case are personal ‘rules’ developed through self-regulation, as the brilliant psychoanalyst Dr. Wilhelm Reich argued in his books. Everyone would develop their own preferences based on their own desires and needs, and not based on the demands of their social or cultural environment. Having sex would cost nothing. Pornography would become useless because nobody would want to masturbate to it when they can easily get the real thing. Sexual services would cease to exist because nobody would pay for something that they could easily get for free at any time. And all the different kinds of sexual manipulation would stop working because it’s impossible to manipulate people through something they already have in abundance.
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