Broken, but not beyond repair

Evan Rachel Wood: “Accept that women are sexual beings”

Here’s another clear example of female sexual suppression in society: A sex scene featuring actress Evan Rachel Wood was cut out of the movie “Charlie Countryman” by the MPAA because apparently it showed oral sex being performed on Wood’s character while she was enjoying herself. Here’s what Wood had to say about this in a series of posts on Twitter:

After seeing the new cut of #CharlieCountryman I would like 2 share my disappointment with the MPAA, who thought it was necessary to censor a woman’s sexuality once again. The scene where the two main characters make ‘love’ was altered because someone felt that seeing a man give a woman oral sex made people ‘uncomfortable’ but the scenes in which people are murdered by having their heads blown off remained intact and unaltered.

This is a symptom of a society that wants to shame women and put them down for enjoying sex, especially when (gasp) the man isn’t getting off as well! It’s hard for me to believe that had the roles been reversed it still would have been cut. OR had the female character been raped it would have been cut. It’s time for people to GROW UP.

Accept that woman are sexual beings … Accept that some men like pleasuring women. Accept that women don’t have to just be fucked and say thank you. We are allowed and entitled to enjoy ourselves. It’s time we put our foot down …

Wood is correct in stating that this is “a symptom of a society that wants to shame women and put them down for enjoying sex.” In fact, more accurately, it’s a symptom of a society that wants to enforce (female) sexual suppression and repression on everyone.

Not too long ago I had written a post titled “Mark Zuckerberg Hates Female Nipples; Loves Decapitations” where I had discussed Zuckerberg’s and Facebook’s hypocritical stance on human — and especially female — sexuality. For example, pictures showing an exposed female nipple on Facebook get deleted and people posting such pictures get temporarily blocked from posting on Facebook. Nudity isn’t allowed either, while at the same time pictures and videos showing graphic and violent content are allowed to be shared on Facebook. Posting pictures of dead and mutilated bodies in war scenes is perfectly fine, but posting a picture of a nude body — even if featured in fine art — appears to be a big problem.

Such blatant hypocrisy can be found everywhere in society, just like Wood mentioned, “The scene where the two main characters make ‘love’ was altered because someone felt that seeing a man give a woman oral sex made people ‘uncomfortable’ but the scenes in which people are murdered by having their heads blown off remained intact and unaltered.”

The below videoclip from the movie “The People VS. Larry Flynt” featuring a brilliant speech by Larry Flynt comes to mind again. It beautifully illustrates the same point Wood made.

Sexual suppression and repression are very dangerous, and are the root causes of a lot of problems in society as I explained in details in my 5 part article series on Understanding Women. Especially women suffer from the consequences, and with them society as a whole. Watch the video below to see how women are mentally damaged for life, as a result from being prevented from freely expressing their sexuality and satisfying their natural sexual needs.

Knowing this, I can’t understand why the women working at the MPAA and Facebook continue to allow such hypocrisy to continue. Like Wood says, it’s time that they put their foot down and reclaim their sexuality.

As I discussed in the 5th part of my series on Understanding Women, normal women, who aren’t damaged by sexual suppression and repression, are the same as men when it comes to their sexuality; they want and enjoy sex as often and as much as men do. In fact, not only are women sexual beings, as Wood mentioned, but normal women are nymphos.


Update 14/3/2014

A Duke University student and porn star “Belle Knox” interviewed on CNN by Piers Morgan explains why she’s doing what she’s doing, and also mentions female sexual repression in society. A very interesting interview.


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